Thursday, February 22, 2007


The forms within this sculpture consist of a pair of bicycle handle bars, a refrigerator compressor and a mortar shell with dimensions (47cm x 60cm) not true to their realistic scales as a whole unit relatively. The basic proportions have been intentionally distorted to effect a visual balance. In fact the entire assemblage has been skillfully manipulated to achieve this balance, an asymmetric one, as can be observed in the similarity between each and the technique used in creating them. Also each of the component sculptures has been subtly and strategically arranged in a way that they lean on themselves for support, thus resulting in a feasible stable form.
A coarse surface texture has been deliberately created by the atrtist thereby simulating subdued visual vibrations that conjure the subjective sentiment of isolation, of attachment, and effecting that dynamic interactive relationship between mass and space(a close observation however would reveal that mass rather than space is the essential feature in its formal structure), bringing these familiar forms in resonance with the intrinsic theme of the artwork, which is dialogue.

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