The work Akaraka comprises of several slabs of unbaked clay (greenware) with imprints of a palm depressed into their respective surfaces. the works are installed on a wall in a pattern that assumes the crude semblance of a cross.
Akaraka, which means 'destiny' in the Ibo language, reveals a fresh insight on the peculiar nature and rite of passage of the individual's quest in discovering his or her potentials and purpose. The palm-prints is a type of synechdochal expression that posits the notion that ones inherent gifts or talents gives a clue on the direction of ones destiny. Sometimes we express our respective talents or stumble upon them by way of chance occurences in life, in our attempts at different vocations or in the living out of our various proffessions all in the bid to knowingly or unknowingly search out and fulfill our respective purposes, to walk the varied and unique paths of our destiny.
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