Thursday, April 16, 2009


6. STUNNING SHREDS SIZE: 240cm x 90cm x 15cm I did this work in response to the recent call for entries in the art competition with the theme, “Evolution of the Nigerian Constitution”, hosted by the National Galleries of Art, Abuja. A closer look or study of some of the disposable containers will reveal two signs with the words “keep your contrary tidy” and “recyclables” boldly painted on them apart from the embodiment of the designs on these containers. This work addresses the issue of people’s indifference towards keeping simple laws or rules, especially those relating to environmental issues like recycling, which is ultimately aimed at curbing the dangers of the green house effects of most of these products due to the fact that most of them are not bio-degradable.I believe that apart from the fact that these discarded items can be recycled for functional purposes, they can also be recycled for aesthetic purposes too. The recycling is not a manmade discovery but rather one that has been in existence, and forms the bane of natural balance and sustenance. One good example of this is in the food chain- nothing is ever wasted as far as nature is concerned.


240CM X90CMX15CM