The original ingredients of this assemblage are tiny busts of casted human heads, all of variable proportions of about 90 x 30cm in dimension, linked together by a concealed wire threads and a vertical aperture. The artwork is rested upon a cylindrical metallic pedestal. The overall structure has a crudely oblong shape.
On a much closer introspection one would notice that the eyes of the respective sculpted heads are closed and each seem to have a personality of its own and are clustered in a manner such that the observer is given the impression that they are heads breaking out of a crowd, listening to something or someone with their eyes shut. Through this approach the artist has tactfully injected doses of surrealism in its thematic content, so that it ceases from being a mere arrangement of casted human heads to becoming a creative assemblage with a strong universal philosophical content.
The head as a figure of speech is a synecdoche associated with power anmd authority, which defines a hierarchical path tat is based on the nature and importance of the responsibility assigned to it. And as Winston Churchill put it, with much power comes responsibility, one can naturally postulate that the heads with the greatest responsibility are situated at the top and those with the least stay below. The fact that the heads are fastened together symbioses unity, which is among the basic constituents of any stable government or organization